It's baaaaack!!! Just in case you haven't read this post I wrote last year, here's a quick excerpt-intro on what's back:
Aaaaahhh…it’s that time of the year again. No. Not the holidays (although I LOVE that season). IT’S PROJECT RUNWAY TIME!!! (No, I am not decked out in a Betsy Johnson dress and Giuseppe Zanotti shoes, but I absolutely LOVE this show). My love started ten years ago. I was sitting in my living room flicking channels with my boyfriend when I came across a scene of some people cutting fabric on tables. I stopped. I wondered, ‘What are they doing? What is this? Is this…sewing?”
My boyfriend was talking to me. I don’t know about what. Then, I saw one of the people on the TV run to a room…FULL OF SEWING MACHINES. Then I asked myself, out loud, “OH MY GOD! WHAT THE H#77 IS THIS?! THEY’RE SEWING! IS THIS FASHION DESIGN? WHAT IS THIS?” I cannot tell you what was my boyfriend’s reaction. He sort of was no longer there once I saw the sewing machines. I mean, physically he probably was, but I have no idea.
That was maybe the 1st or 2nd episode of the first season of an awesome addiction of mine. I’ve done it all: Project Runway, Project Runway:All Stars, Project Accessory (which I really enjoyed), and Under the Gunn. I’m surprised I haven’t set out to see the international Project Runway shows. {Are those episodes online? Hmmm…}
I've been a huge fan of the show for a while. I've done a sort of fantasy Project Runway for a few seasons now. I decided to start sharing them with you this year (and to start doing recaps). I wish I could say I have a couple of favorites right out the gates but I can't ever seem to narrow it down. (^ᗨ^✿)
Because of that, I have my GRIN section and my SMILE section. My GRIN section are designers that made me do just that. These are the ones that I am definitely going for. The SMILE section are for those that I think are good but whose designs don't wow me as much as the ones from the GRIN section. And I don't cheat so I never switch designers from one side to the other. (◠ᴗ◕✿)
Because of that, I have my GRIN section and my SMILE section. My GRIN section are designers that made me do just that. These are the ones that I am definitely going for. The SMILE section are for those that I think are good but whose designs don't wow me as much as the ones from the GRIN section. And I don't cheat so I never switch designers from one side to the other. (◠ᴗ◕✿)
So far, I've always had a designer from my fantasy Project Runway scorecard make it to the end (sometimes win). I do "very extensive" research when I pick them. By "extensive" research I mean, I check out their portfolios on the Project Runway website, the Road to the Runway episode (the auditions), and yes...the attitudes. I can't stand when stanky people win.. (^ᗨ^✿) For this season, season 14, I also checked out their studio videos.
Check out the designers for this season's Project Runway competition:
After checking out the portfolios, audition video, and studio tours, my Project Runway scorecard looked like this:

I know, I know. I have a bunch of designers on it.. I can't help it!!! I always have a hard time narrowing it down. LOL Maybe it's why I choose a winner most of the time? I don't rememer which season it was, but one season I was crossing them out week after week. Although I feel that this Project Runway season, there are more designers that I picked than the other seasons.
Fingers crossed I've picked a winner. (◠ᴗ◕✿)
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