Goodbye 2015


Goodbye 2015
Goodbye 2015 - ThatNewMommy

This year we are celebrating the end of the year differently. Technically, we're taking the "celebrating" out of it. And I'm okay with it. See, lately I've been thinking a lot (more than usual) and not really about the end of the year, but of this new year we're ringing in.

I've mentioned projects I've been working on. Some of them have been giving me more work than I thought they would. Some haven't worked out as smoothly as I thought. Others have had to be put on hold because of reasons out of my control. I have to admit, it's been hectic in my brain...more than usual.

Scraps & Caps Necklace


Scraps & Caps Necklace
ThatNewMommy Makes - Scraps and Caps Necklace

Ten days to Christmas and I still haven't finished gift-buying. I'm sure I'm not the only one, though. I don't know what's going on with me this year. Every year I know October's going-ons as well as November's and December's, but for some reason this year they all snuck up on me. Christmas is definitely late. I haven't even told you guys about the advent calendar I made this year.

Anyway, we had to go out and although I bought this cute maxi to wear I didn't find anything I liked to wear with it and none of my necklaces at home were purple. It had to be purple because my king was going to be wearing a purple bow tie and we almost always coordinate. (Sometimes, we simply just can't.) I thought I'd just make something at home but when I got home I realized I ran out of purple polymer clay. (ಠ_ಠ✿)

Because the activity was the next day I had to do some quick brainstorming. I rummaged through my fabric stash and found purple fabric. Then I hunted down some colored punch embroidery thread and caps (and marble type "rocks"). It didn't take me too long which was great because it was way past Little Man's bedtime and he was getting cranky (quite frankly, it was past my bedtime too so I was just as cranky).

Finale, Parts 1 & 2 - Project Runway recap (14x13, 14x14)


Finale, Parts 1 & 2 - Project Runway recap (14x13, 14x14)
Project Runway Season 14 Designers

What did I say last time about myEdmond? You have to admit it was pretty obvious. Maybe not as obvious as what did NOT happen to someone in The Walking Dead "Thank You" (6x3) episode (I insist Glenn did not die), but still obvious.

As usual, during the first part of this two-part finale, the designers show the judges a mini-collection to be critiqued before the big show. I think Candice's mini-collection was kind of cute although not something I'd go for (but I'd make an exception for that black leather dress). But as I've said before (and during this first finale episode): #DesignerKelly FOR THE WIN!!! (^ᗨ^✿) 

I know the judges didn't really feel it that much, but the mini-collection made me think Kelly's full collection was going to be great (and it was). During the showing of the mini-collections, I thought both Kelly and Candice were going to have great shows at New york Fashion Week and the Project Runway Season 14 win would probably have been between either of them. And I think we all know which one I preferred to win. In case you didn't. catch the vodcast of the two finale episodes and my thoughts on this season's win:

Easy DIY Halloween Door Decoration


Easy Halloween Door Decorations
Easy Halloween Door Decorations - ThatNewMommy
I live on an avenue and don't really have a patio. We have a porch which I've dressed up before but this year, I think being so into my king's birthday, I just didn't. Kids around here don't trick-or-treat anyway so sometimes I think that's why I don't get into it as much as I used to in our other homes.

I think I've mentioned before it's important to know how to use what you've got. It's why I loved these easy Halloween door decorations. I know people like the traditional wreath with a Halloween twist on it and I do too. I think they're super cute! But last time I decorated I didn't have an extra wreath lying around. I have my Christmas one, which is a tradition to put out and I will not sacrifice, and I have one I decorated for Thanksgiving. Remember, "use what you got" not "go out and buy a wreath". (Unless you want to of course).(◠ᴗ◕✿) No wreath meant alternative door decor, which in this case meant...a door monster. 

DIY - The Best Part of Halloween...Costumes


DIY - the Best Part of Hallloween Costumes
DIY Halloween Costumes - ThatNewMommy
I love love LOOOOOVE Halloween. It's probably my favorite....yeah...definitely my favorite holiday of the year. This may have been something I got from my dad. He loved Halloween, too. I remember one year I was dressed as Elvira (what girl has never dressed up like her?) giving out candies to trick-or-treaters. He was just standing by the door looking off. He had no shirt on and had fake blood all over him. The trick-or-treaters were young but a few of the girls were my age. They were getting there candy but at the same time keeping an eye on my dad. Then...he jumped and boo'd. LMFAO (^ᗨ^✿) One of the older girls dropped her bag and just ran away. It was HILARIOUS! The other kids were dying and made fun of her as they left.

After moving to Puerto Rico, I didn't celebrate Halloween for a while. Maybe because he was no longer with us or maybe because I didn't want to be here. (Maybe a combination of both?) I started celebrating again after being invited to a Halloween party thrown by one of supervisors at work. I remember being asked what I planned to go as. I always answered that I was going as Eve (meaning naked) because I didn't have a costume.(^ᗨ^✿) Truth is, I wasn't sure if I would go because I couldn't seem to get into the Halloween mood and if I DID decide to go, I had no clue what I was going as. The day before the party I decided to go and started to pump myself up. I had to work that day (another job) and had no time to buy a costume. That night I decided to DIY my costume. That was the first time I did so, and I think I have every time I've celebrated since.

Project Runway Scorecard - Season 14 Episode 12: Roll Out the Red Carpet


Roll Out the Red Carpet - Project Runway recap (14x12)

Project Runway Season 14 Designers

"Roll Out the Red Carpet" is the last Project Runway episode before the designers head back home to prepare for New York Fashion Week.

This episode had an obvious winner and I am ecstatic it was that person. The "eliminated" designer, to me, was somewhat surprising because I've been it was going to be someone else for a while now.

Have no idea what I'm talking about? Catch up here::

Project Runway Scorecard - Season 14 Episode 11: The Runway's in 3D


The Runway's in 3D - Project Runway recap (14x11)

Project Runway Season 14 Designers


Besides the unconventional and the "show us who you are" challenges, the avant-garde is another of my favorite Project Runway challenges. In order starting at most favorite challenge it would be: avant-garde, unconventional, and "show us who you are".

And (in a Project Runway first) the special element added to "The Runway's in 3D" made season 14's avant-garde challenge even cooler than usual. Check it out:

Project Runway Scorecard - Season 14 Episode 10: Crew's All In


Crew's All In - Project Runway recap (14x10)

Project Runway Season 14 Designers

Did I call it on the last episode recap or DID I CALL IT?! Tsk, tsk, tsk.

Anyway, MAKEOVER TIME! Another Project Runway usual challenge. This time though, Tim, Heidi, Zac, and Nina are a little closer than usual to the clients getting the makeover.

This episode's elimination was so predictable, let's just go right to the vodcast:

Project Runway Scorecard - Season 14 Episode 9: Make It Sell


Make It Sell - Project Runway recap (14x09)

Project Runway Season 14 Designers

I forgot there's always a challenge where the designer who wins gets to have their look mass-produced. (It always happens, right?) Anyway, THIS is that challenge for Project Runway season 14. The winning look from episode 9 will be available on I visited the site a couple of times before, but I have to admit I hadn't signed up until after this episode.

The episode was pretty cool but I feel that these Project Runway designers always have an issue when they are told to design for a specific client, or in this JustFab case, a specific "persona". It's like they can't. Like they hear what they need to do with one ear and then half of it goes out the other one. Tsk tsk tsk.

Check out the recap here followed by the slideshow and the Fantasy Project Runway Scorecard:

Project Runway Scorecard - Season 14 Episode 8: Broadway or Bust


Broadway or Bust - Project Runway recap (14x08)

Project Runway Season 14 Designers

First: I love musicals. Doesn't mean I like all of them, but I do enjoy them. Haven't seen one live in years, though. Just thought I'd share that tidbit. Now you know something else about me. (◕ᴗ◕✿)

Okay, now on to Project Runway. Episode 8, "Broadway or Bust", brought excitement, glee (yup, I said it), tears, singing, and Tim's furrowed brow. Ah, tried warning them SO many times. At least most of them listened to ya'.

Have no idea what I'm talking about? It's too much to write so, as always, I've included it in this week's Project Runway vodcast followed by the slideshow and scorecard :

Dream Boards vs Vision Boards


Dream Boards vs Vision Boards
Dream Boards vs Vision Boards - ThatNewMommy
Notice where “Dream Boards” is? Now look at where “Vision Boards” is. 

Years ago I made (notice how I didn't use the word “created?) a dream board. I thought about what I would like to have. A car (not a new one, anything that had four wheels that I could sit in and drive was good enough), a dressform (I can make a flat pattern but ever since Project Runway started I wanted to learn draping), a trip back home (CT-native here), among other things. I knew some things were out of reach, actually I felt ALL things were out of reach, but I put up my board anyway….I don’t really remember where. My dream board was more of a decoration than anything else, though. This year, I decided I would CREATE a vision board. Isn't it the same thing? No, dear friend, it is not…at least not in my case. Let me tell you why.

Dream Boards

When I first started looking into dream boards (I think I heard about it on some TV show and looked into it), it said to put pictures of things you would like and post them up where you could see. No matter how big or how small. Seeing those images daily would (or it’s supposed to) help you achieve those dreams. Simple enough, isn't it? That’s what I thought.

Project Runway Scorecard - Season 14 Episode 7: Haute Tech Couture


Haute Tech Couture - Project Runway recap (14x07)
Project Runway Season 14 Designers

Fashion? ✔  Old tech? ✔   Me geeking out? ✔✔✔

"Haute Tech Couture" was the second unconventional challenge of the season and, I must say, much more interesting than "Shut Up and Sew". As soon as I saw that dumpster full of VHS tapes, keyboards, wires...oh, that was just heaven for a crafting hoarder geek.

Enjoyable episode, even my partner got into it, with a sad segment (at least for us). Jake decided to resign because his dog had to be put to sleep and he wanted to be there. Totally understandable. Pets sometimes become part of the family and they mean a lot. Being on Project Runway is an awesome opportunity that any designer would want to have, but I totally understood him wanting to leave. I would have done the same thing. I know some people see pets as animals, but only owning one do you understand that they are much more than that. After a tearful good-bye, the remaining nine designers carried on to some pretty interesting designs. Except Swapnil. OMG. Swapnil just wasted time and it showed in his work:

Digital Art - Thoreau Motivational Quote Freebie


Digital Art with Thoreau Quote Freebie
Digital Art with Thoreau Quote - ThatNewMommy Makes
If you're new to the blog, then you may not know I love creating. I love making accessories out of different media and crafting with my king, of course. But being honest, even though I am quick to pull out my crafting tools and supplies I'm not as quick to put them away. It's why sometimes I like to create on the computer. I enjoy playing around in Photoshop. (that's an affiliate* link, btw)

I have been playing around with digital art and learning different techniques. With this one I was playing around with putting some text on a path. As you can see in this time-lapse video, I first tried with a motivational quote that was a little too long, but then I found this one from Henry David Thoreau that sort of fit the emotional state I've been going through lately. In the video you'll also see I originally had some stars underneath the circles (my favorite shape).

I DID mean to have them in there but I turned off the layer to do the stars on the top and I never turned it back on, completely forgetting them. Not rare. I'm usually creating and running around after a certain little someone so there's always something I'm bound to forget.(^ᗨ^✿) Speaking of, he ALWAYS helps me out. Even when I'm making jewelry he always takes part (which is why they also include his "signature"). With this Thoreau digital art, he was the one to choose the color palette.

Project Runway Season 14 Scorecard: Episode 6 - Lace to the Finish


Lace to the Finish - Project Runway recap (14x06)

Project Runway Season 14 Designers

The client is...HEIDI!!! I love it when Heidi's the client. I love Heidi Klum. LOVE her. She has always been such a goofball. It's why I loved she was hostuing Project Runway and why I thought it was awesome for her to get on America's Got Talent as a judge. Basically, if she's coming out on TV for whatever, I'm watching it. LOL

And every time Project Runway has a chellenge in which the client is Heidi...I love it. She is no joke tough. Or maybe I should say, she is all joke tough. She will make fun of whatever you design and let you know you are going in the wrong direction. All without hiding funny faces or scowls. In "Lace to the Finish", Edmond thought she was jokling when she called him Captain Tacky. No darling, she is very serious. LOL

Here is the vodcast for episode six's recap. Remember to scroll down for this episode's slideshow:

Whole Wheat Eggless Pancakes Recipe with Vegan Option


Whole Wheat Eggless Pancakes Recipe with Vegan Option
After I found out I was pregnant, I made changes to the way I ate. I cut down on fast foods (YOU tell a pregnant woman NO when she’s craving some fried chicken), started eating more veggies (in quantity and types), and started using whole wheat flour instead of my regular white one. We also (almost completely) cut out processed foods.

After giving birth, I kept my eating habits. Not to say I eat completely healthy. I may not have a sweet tooth, but I have a salty one. (Pretzels and popcorn are my downfall and I don't think there will ever come a day when I give them.) I always liked cooking from scratch, but I had the few recipes I would always do over and over for myself. Once baby was here, I started looking into how I could make from scratch the boxed foods my partner bought for himself because I wanted my king to have more options than I usually give myself.

Whole Wheat Eggless Pancakes Recipe - ThatNewMommy Makes

One of the easiest (and most fun) recipes to make is my whole wheat eggless pancakes. This came from a day I REALLY wanted pancakes but didn't have any eggs. It took some trial and error to get them just the way my king and I liked, but now it comes naturally to both of us. And I just LOVE making it with him (although he gets a little desperate waiting for the end result once the mix is ready. LOL)

Project Runway Season 14 Scorecard: Episode 5 - Gunn and Heid


Gunn and Heid - Project Runway recap (14x05)

Project Runway Season 14 Designers

A trip to a paintball park and...ANOTHER TEAM CHALLENGE! This one went far better that the first Project Runway team challenge for season 14. After a little revenge on the field from Ashley, the designers were tasked with creating a mini collection consisting of six looks (one each).

I was still upset with Joseph because of the way he treated Merline during the "Shut Up & and Sew" episode (although better than how Hanmiao treated Edmond...maybe not), but he definitely nailed it when he criticized the girls for how they chose their team. As Tim would say, it was to their detriment.

Check out the Project Runway recap with the episode's slideshow after the jump:

Toddler Craft - Paper Roll Tube Binoculars


DIY Paper Roll Tube Binoculars + 3 More Crafts
DIY Paper Roll Tube Binoculars

I love creating and crafting. I always hoped if I had a kid he or she would be into making, too. It's why I had my king doodling as soon as he was able to hold things with his hands. Know what? He LOVES it!

We're always either building things out of blocks and/or boxes or we're drawing, coloring, painting, etc. Whatever we're in the mood to when the urge to play and create comes up. Sometimes, I steer a bit. Like a canvas I had him do the background on (he went to crazy on that) and like on this project. I said to him we were going to do something and started prepping the paper roll tubes. He loves painting and although he helped paint them white, he then insisted on using only markers to decorate them.

I'm slightly hoardish. (¬_¬✿) This is possibly part of the crafter in me, but I just don't like creating so much waste so I save some stuff for "later use". (◠ᴗ◕✿) My partner sometimes pokes fun at me, but when he's working on something and he's missing something...guess who he asks? Yup. The hoarder. (^ᗨ^✿)

Project Runway Season 14 Scorecard: Episode 4 - Fashion Flip


Fashion Flip - Project Runway recap (14x04)

Project Runway Season 14 Designers

Take an iconic fashion design and put your own modern twist on it. It sounds like a REALLY fun challenge and not a very hard one. This season's Project Runway designers used the t-shirt, the jersey, the wrap dress, among others. Some DID put a modern twist on it.  Others? Nooooot so much. (^ᗨ^✿)

It was a hard watch, I won't lie. So because of that, directly to the vodcast this time and THEN the episode's slideshow (with notes and results...although the vodcast has the results in it too):

9 Ways To Take Part In Breastfeeding


9 Ways To Take Part in Breastfeeding
Before I gave birth to my king, my plan was to breastfeed. My partner was on board from the beginning. There were various reasons for this decision. It’s more economical, it’s less hassle (referring to the carrying of formula and bottles in the baby bag), and it’s better for baby. I went to breastfeeding classes which I was very happy with. I read online about other women who breastfed. I was completely prepared. When I had him and first went to breastfeed I knew I had it in the bag.

Have I told you I’m a first time mom? Well, yes. I am. So that whole “had it in the bag” thing? Yeah…not quite as easy as I thought it would be. I mean my thinking was “grab hungry baby, position him like you learned, grab the boob, stroke to encourage mouth open, and pop it in. EASY.” It may have been easy the first time. I sat there for a while. But he was drinking his milk while I just looked at him thinking “wow, I just had a baby” so I didn’t really know how long I was there. The second time went the same. And that’s about all the “easy” there was.

Project Runway Season 14 Scorecard: Episode 3 - Shut Up & Sew


It's All in the Cards - Project Runway recap (14x02)

Project Runway Season 14 Designers

If an unconventional challenge isn't a Project Runway designer's worst nightmare, then it's a team challenge. (^ᗨ^✿) Tsk, tsk, tsk. This is when you find out which people do not know how to work with others. "Shut up and Sew", season 14's third episode, was no exception.

If you didn't know by now, not only is he on my "Grin" side of the scorecard but I have a thing for Edmond. (◕ε◕✿) This episode was a hard one for him. I really felt bad. We also got to see Joseph's d!c& side. Not cool at all. Here's the slideshow "Shut Up and Sew" (including my notes AND the results form the show):

Six Paying Work At Home Jobs


Six Paying Work At Home Jobs

As I mentioned in a previous post, I hate those ads which say you can make hundreds of dollars in one day. You either have to pay some sort of fee "for more info" and/or it requires you to "build your team" (read: find other suckers). I feel the same about MLM that require team building and sales. With those, it comes to a point that everyone and their mother seems to be selling the same things. It was like Avon and Mary Kay back in the day. Then there are sites that "pay" for writing posts. These say they will pay, for a example, a penny per view but when you go into the site it just seems so spammy in itself that who would really want to visit it? So, it's more work than writing to bring traffic to that site. And I won't even go into the deceptiveness called Wasanga.

What I dislike hate about these things is that they are usually targeted towards stay-at-home-parents. I know first hand that feeling of wanting to bring in some sort of income, even if it's small. I can understand why some of these sites seem interesting and like it would be worth your time. I originally signed up for a site called Bubblews which apparently stopped paying after a while. I also signed up for sites DailyTwoCents and Writedge. I must admit the admin there are on the other side of the spectrum from those at Bubblews. They are constantly letting their writers know what is going on with the company and always give tips on writing and how to get traffic to your post on their site. the reason I haven't been as active on these sites is that, as a reader, I visit the site and when I'm reading the article there is a lot coming at you and it's kind of "hectic" to get to the comments area. As a writer, I feel there are way too many opportunities for a reader to navigate away from the page. And don't get me wrong, i know these sites live off of ads (I have my share of buttons on the side) but I think they take up a lot of space. Their payout minimum is low compared to other sites, so although I haven't reached payout, if you're interested in writing for pennies (it's what I call it) it's something you may want to check out. They also have other sites related to the same company with different areas of interest. But for this post, I want to share some WAH jobs I have done AND have gotten paid. These are the ones I trust and fully recommend.

Project Runway Season 14 Scorecard: Episode 2 - It's All in the Cards


It's All in the Cards - Project Runway recap (14x02)

Project Runway Season 14 Designers

An unconventional challenge. The challenge type most designers are afraid of. The challenge type most designers seem to have never heard of before getting to Project Runway. The challenge type I feel leave some designers sleeping in a fetal position. (^ᗨ^✿)

Season's 14 first unconventional challenge was not a complete a trainwreck...but it had some surprises in there. Some good, some bad, one with the usual mistake that the eliminated designer makes, and awesome, awesome creation. If you haven't seen the episode remember, the slideshow contains my notes AND the results form the show:

Puerto Rican Sarata Recipe


I was born and raised in the states to Puerto Rico-born parents who met in the states.  My dad was born in a suburban type town in Puerto Rico while my mom was born in a rural one.  Like in the states, although they spoke the same language there are a lot of regionalisms they heard from each other.  One day we were in a mini-market and my mom asked the gentleman behind the cash register for a popeta.

My mom was always a clown type of person and my dad, although he liked having his fun, was more serious. Anyway, my dad sternly said her name and gave her a look. She paid him no mind and asked again. This time he was clearly upset and asked if she could have some respect. My mother had no idea what he was talking about. She explained she wanted that wrapped vanilla ice cream that came in a waffle cone with hardened chocolate and nuts on a flat top. I remember my dad just looking at her. I could tell he didn't know if she was being serious or not. The gentleman behind the cash register didn't know what she wanted either until she explained.

My mom's "popeta"

Later that night, my uncle (from my mom's side) came over. She took out her ice cream cone and asked him 'What is this? What is this called?' He answered, "Una popeta." She told him what happened and my dad explained that where he's from popeta means something COMPLETELY DIFFERENT. They had some laughs and I just thought Spanish was so weird.

Project Runway Season 14 Scorecard: Episode 1 - Mad Dash Mayhem


Mad Dash Mayhem - Project Runway recap (14x01)

Okay, not as exciting as some of the previous season openings, but that's okay. I love this show anyway.

Project Runway Season 14 Designers

Filling out my scorecard was pretty easy. Maybe easier than I thought it would be since I chose so many of them. I don't know. Most of these fashion designers don't seem up to par with designers from previous Project Runway seasons. If they were to compete in an All-Stars, they'd probably be eliminated. Well, most of them at least....I have my faves. (◠ᴗ◕✿)

As soon as those designs walked down that runway, I knew who was going to leave. A sad departure for that cutie. Did you see them? Spoiler alert if you haven't: the photos in the slideshow not only have notes made by me, but also the results of the episode:

Celebrate the Baguette with These Recipes


Celebrate the Baguette with These Recipes
On September 13 1993, France passed a law that stated that for a baguette to be considered as such it must be made in the same place as it is sold, it must use only four ingredients (flour, salt, baker's yeast, and water), and it should at no moment be frozen.

For this 22nd anniversary, those at Google shared this Doodle with us (which is how I found out about this).

22nd Anniversary Baguette Law

The baguette is known for it's long shape and crispy crust. It reminds me of the "pan de agua" in Puerto Rico (which is also made of the same four ingredients). Personally, I love bread. I haven't had a baguette in over 20 years, but we had "pan de agua" (water bread) about two weeks ago. We've eliminated white bread from our diets almost completely, but you have to understand..."pan de agua" is sooo delicious. If you've had baguettes, then I'm sure you understand why I give in at times. (◠ᴗ◕✿)

Fantasy Project Runway Season 14 Scorecard


Fantasy Project Runway Season 14 Scorecard
It's baaaaack!!! Just in case you haven't read this post I wrote last year, here's a quick excerpt-intro on what's back:
Aaaaahhh…it’s that time of the year again. No. Not the holidays (although I LOVE that season). IT’S PROJECT RUNWAY TIME!!! (No, I am not decked out in a Betsy Johnson dress and Giuseppe Zanotti shoes, but I absolutely LOVE this show). My love started ten years ago. I was sitting in my living room flicking channels with my boyfriend when I came across a scene of some people cutting fabric on tables. I stopped. I wondered, ‘What are they doing? What is this? Is this…sewing?”

My boyfriend was talking to me. I don’t know about what. Then, I saw one of the people on the TV run to a room…FULL OF SEWING MACHINES. Then I asked myself, out loud, “OH MY GOD! WHAT THE H#77 IS THIS?! THEY’RE SEWING! IS THIS FASHION DESIGN? WHAT IS THIS?” I cannot tell you what was my boyfriend’s reaction. He sort of was no longer there once I saw the sewing machines. I mean, physically he probably was, but I have no idea.

That was maybe the 1st or 2nd episode of the first season of an awesome addiction of mine. I’ve done it all: Project Runway, Project Runway:All Stars, Project Accessory (which I really enjoyed), and Under the Gunn. I’m surprised I haven’t set out to see the international Project Runway shows. {Are those episodes online? Hmmm…}
I've been a huge fan of the show for a while. I've done a sort of fantasy Project Runway for a few seasons now. I decided to start sharing them with you this year (and to start doing recaps). I wish I could say I have a couple of favorites right out the gates but I can't ever seem to narrow it down. (^ᗨ^✿)

Bear With Me


Bear with Me
I've been struggling with some issues and taking workshops on what I could do and working on my projects, but I didn't really share. Sometimes because of a lack of time to get things finished and sometimes because, ...honestly? I felt a little down. Like my goal sort of seemed farther away.

The Long Long Long Road

The Continuing Dilemma of the Handmade Business


Last week I decided to keep looking into launching my handmade business. I went to the same place I mentioned in an earlier post but spoke to someone else. She was able to clarify the things I needed and what I would've needed if it were a brick and mortar shop. I felt relieved but there is one document which is an issue for me...for us.

We live on an avenue. We don't have a car so we rely on public transportation. The good thing about living on an avenue is that the bus stop is 2 minutes away. It's one of the reasons we decided to move here. This was pre-king though. Now that we have our king and now that he's an active toddler, we really want to move which is my dilemma.

First in a series: "Sky1 - Foundation" e-book Review


I have another book review for you, but this time I read a book for myself and not for my king. (◠ᴗ◕✿)   I love mystery/thriller/suspense, but I also love sci-fi/fantasy which is this e-book's genre. Usually, I like to stick with the people "I know" and because of that sometimes I can be a little hesitant with authors I haven't read. It's happened that I try a book based on its reviews and recommendations without knowing much about the author and then I couldn't even get past the first chapter. (I'm looking at you Shades of Grey).

The first chapter was beyond boring.

4th of July Crafts to Do with Your Toddler


4th of July is coming and, although my king hasn't really been to a "real" 4th of July celebration, we always take it as a time to craft. Which I admit it really isn't surprising considering there's ALWAYS a reason to do arts and crafts. (◠ᴗ◕✿)
I have someone that tells me that sometimes a lot of crafts are for older kids so I put up this small round-up of craft ideas you can do with younger ones, like my awesome 2-year-old king. Personally, I'm one of those people that believes a messy kid is a sign of a kid that's been having fun, so yes...we get messy with some of these. Like I said, that's the fun part!

My Non-Existent Handmade Business


Handmande Business Dilemma

Here's something that you may have not known about me: I have a handmade business. Well, technically I don't "have" the business, but in my mind I do. Let me explain. You may know that I like crafting. Well, I've always wanted to have a handmade business selling things I've made (starting with accessories), so a while ago I set up a Storenvy shop and a blog and other accounts for it. I never really promoted it that much or did anything outside of doing more of what I should have. The reason for this was that at first I was afraid (♫ I was petrified ♪ LOL ) but then once I started feeling more comfortable with my skills I thought, 'You know what? OK. I can do this.'

A Sick Baby & Mixed Media Beginnings


We had a worrying weekend with my king. He had a fever Wednesday evening. I don't really like to immediately go to the medicine unless absolutely necessary, so after some kangaroo care, the fever went down. On Thursday, he was fine. Our day went as normal, but then in the evening he had a fever again so we gave him some fever medicine. Unfortunately during the night though, he was hot again. 

10 Recipes for National Donut Day


Tomorrow is National Doughnut Donut Day. You thought it was the same thing, didn't you? I did. Turns out it's not. At least that's what I've read. National DONUT Day is in June and National DOUGHNUT Day is in November. 

Apparently the one in June is celebrated in honor of "Doughnut Dollies" while the one in November is celebrated in honor of the doughnut itself. The one celebrated tomorrow started on June 7, 1938 when Morgan Pett, a military doctor, helped wounded soldiers and gave them a free doughnut. He only had 8 dozen but after helping Lieutenant General Samuel Geary, Geary began a fundraiser with Pett to give every wounded soldier, as well as the needy, a free doughnut. this was later joined with the Salvation Army who had female volunteers provide doughnuts for the servicemen who referred to them as "Doughnut Dollies". Here's a quick video on them:

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