I've been struggling with some issues and taking workshops on what I could do and working on my projects, but I didn't really share. Sometimes because of a lack of time to get things finished and sometimes because, ...honestly? I felt a little down. Like my goal sort of seemed farther away.

My partner hasn't stopped supporting me but sadly, that wasn't enough. Don't get me wrong. I haven't felt too down because I just can't. I have an awesome king that makes my days happy. But, when that king of mine is napping...that's when thoughts start rolling in and get me feeling very far behind on my goals. Instead of just trudging on, I kind of kept waiting. For what? I have no clue. So I decided...let me just "BAM" it all out. All the projects I've currently been working on, let me just throw them out there at the same time. For this I ask to please...

I did some writing that I never posted (which I'm still wondering why I let the negative thoughts stop me). I'll be posting those throughout the day. Hopefully, that will kick me in the pants to continue as I had started (at least, as I had started last time). {sigh} I hate those moments when you have a plan and goals, but your feet and mind just aren't working together.
To you I say, thank you for sticking with me. (◕ᴗ◕✿)
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